Casio VZ1/10m Sysex Errata The Casio VZ Sysex manual contains errors. The following errors have all been confirmed by me, by the close examination of the data which was necessary when constructing my VZ patch editor (see Page 8 ====== III 1. Transmission format: (1) Please note that the HIGH order data is output first, not the LOW order data. The diagrams are not helpful as it is not clear from them which is output first, but the text is definitely wrong. This is a fundamental error. Page 9 ====== Bytes 1-4 The right hand column of the diagram should read, from top to bottom, M1, M3, M5, M7. Page 13 ======= Byte 317 The text should read: DELAY 00-63(H):0-99 Page 14 ======= Bytes 322-335 The last two bytes are not shown in the diagram (count them!). Bytes 334 AND 335 MUST both be set to an ASCII SPACE character, value 32, otherwise the checksum will evaluate incorrectly. Page 21 ======= Byte 3 The bottom line of text should read: RELEASE 1:ENA, 0:DIS (The values of 1 and 0 are stated incorrectly). Steve Gutteridge 5th February 2005